What is C.H.A.N.C.E.?
C.H.A.N.C.E. is an acronym that stands for Children Having Access to Nutrition, Care, & Education

School Expansion
The Carson Academy of Excellence provides academic education for over 500 students grades K-8th who are educated on nearly 2 acres of land with four buildings with classrooms, offices, and more.
Give a Little. Change a Lot.
Donate for Education
Education plays a tremendous rolein the efforts of poverty alleviation in developing nations. The C.H.A.N.C.E. Global Initiative desires to provide children living in slums with an opportunity for success.
Donate for Nutrition and Health
Quality healthcare is often out of reach for most slum residents. The cost of formal health services is too expensive for the limited budgets of families living in slum communities.
Your Help is Needed
Each donations matter, even the smallest ones. For a donation of less than $2 per day (average price of coffee in the USA) and someone’s life will get better!